速報APP / 教育 / Math Tricks

Math Tricks





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Math Tricks(圖1)-速報App

Want to impress your friends with your arithmetic skills? Here is a list of simple and smart math tricks you can use on a daily basis. Some are even practical – who said you would never use what you learned in school? For most of these math tricks, the idea is to get manageable numbers to work with in your head, and stick with operations that you are most familiar with. Tricks which are given in Math Tricks app will help to solve mathematical tasks much faster and easily. Impress everybody and prove to them that you have a talent for mathematics by learning some intelligent, smart as well as interesting math tricks through our application in your android mobile. Grab it now......

Math Tricks(圖2)-速報App

Math Tricks(圖3)-速報App

Math Tricks(圖4)-速報App

Math Tricks(圖5)-速報App

Math Tricks(圖6)-速報App